Please join us for our first meeting of the year on Thursday, Nov 14 at the Presbyterian Church, 1220 West Main Street, Hamilton, MT. We’ll have a member’s meeting and presentation at 7 pm. We can always use more volunteers to serve on the board, so if you have interest in that, please join us at 6 pm. The meeting will feature a presentation by Torrey Ritter about Beavers and the ecosystem benefits they provide.

Torrey Ritter is a non-game wildlife biologist with the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks out of Missoula. He went to Montana State University for a
bachelor’s degree in Organismal Biology.
He then spent the next six years working for various state and federal wildlife agencies on a variety of wildlife species including grizzly bears, elk, small mammals, peregrine falcons, sage grouse and best of all, beavers. Torrey returned to MSU in 2015 for graduate school and spent three years studying beaver dispersal and habitat selection in the Upper Madison and Gallatin river drainages in southwest Montana.
Torrey has become fascinated by beavers and their ability to modify stream and riparian habitat and is very excited that he gets to work on beaver-related projects in his current